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Persona Report

How to set up and interpret Motiva's Persona Report

Frank Flavell avatar
Written by Frank Flavell
Updated over 7 months ago

Motiva's Persona Report gives you the ability to isolate specific groups of contacts in your database and track their response to your content, so you can refine segmentation and target your contacts with more relevant content.


The Persona Report is located under the Who's Responding tab in the main navigation menu of the Motiva platform.


To use the Persona Report, you need contact data in Eloqua either in the form of contact attributes, account attributes or CDOs.

The second requirement is data coverage. If a contact attribute, account attribute or CDO has high data coverage, it means that a large percentage of the contacts in your database have an input for that field. Low coverage means that a small percentage of your contacts have an input for that attribute. Choose only attributes with a high coverage so they will be useful when defining your personas.

You can check coverage by clicking the "Configuration" tab in the sub-navigation menu of the Who's Responding Report. You will see a list of all your contact attributes and along with the percent of coverage for each. This view will only show you contact attributes. If you want to explore coverage for account attributes and CDOs, then you can access this information through Eloqua Insights.

Build a Segment in Eloqua

Start by building a segment in Eloqua's Segment Builder. We will connect Motiva to this segment so isolate the contacts and provide performance and content reporting just for this group of contacts.

  1. On the Eloqua home page, scroll over the contact card in the main navigation menu at the top right of the screen. A sub menu will appear. Select "Segments"

  2. You can create a new segment or duplicate an existing segment.

  3. Apply filters to the segment to exclude or include contacts and narrow in on your desired audience. Common exclusions are unsubscribes and hard bouncebacks.

To target inactive contacts:

  1. In the Segment Builder, add a "Filter Criteria" to your segment by clicking the + button in the top left of th screen under the segment name.

  2. Double click the "Filter Criteria" name in bold and write "Excluded Active Contacts"

  3. Right click the "Filter Criteria" box and in the sub menu, switch the criteria to exclude.

  4. From the list of options on the right side, drag an "Opened Any Email" criteria into the middle of the window and double click it for the configuration window.

  5. In the first drop down, select "at least"

  6. Input "1" next to the "at least" statement.

  7. In the second drop down, select "within the last"

  8. Input "12"

  9. In the third drop down, select "months"

  10. Click save and wait for the contact count to populate or refresh.

You can choose to be more or less strict in your definition of inactive by selecting a different window of time.

Defining Personas

Once the Eloqua segment is built and saved, you can connect it to a Motiva Persona card.

  1. Click the blue "Define a Persona" button in the top right corner of the Persona Report and a new window will appear titled "Persona Definition."

  2. Name the persona by entering a name in the blank field at the top left of the window.

  3. Under "Definition Type" select "Define Using an Eloqua Segment"

  4. Click the blue box that reads "Select Eloqua Segment"

  5. A list of all the segments in your Eloqua instance will appear. You can type the name of the segment in the search bar to quickly find the right segment.

  6. Click "Save"

  7. It will take a few minutes to gather the data associated with these contacts and populate the statistics in the Persona Card.

You may edit personas at any time by clicking the persona box you wish to edit and clicking the blue "Edit" link in the right corner of the box. Remember to save your changes.

Interpreting Personas

Engagement rates are calculated by adding up the total number of opens or clicks for all contacts in the definition divided by the total number of emails sent to all contacts in the persona over the entire contact history of activity we have in our database, which is 12 months plus your Motiva contract length.

The arrows next to each persona engagement statistic, like unique open rate, indicate if the persona rate is above, at, or below the instance wide average engagement rates. This provides a quick evaluation of how your content is engaging specific personas and where you may need to focus your optimization efforts.

  • Green Arrow Up: persona engagement rate is above the global average

  • Yellow Arrow Right: persona engagement rate is even with the global average

  • Red Arrow Down: persona engagement rate is below the global average

Top Performing Emails

When you click a persona box, it turns blue and gives you the option to edit it. You will also see details about the persona appear at the bottom of the report. The first insight in this detailed view is a list of the top performing emails for the persona. You will see the email name, persona engagement rates and the email ID, which links back to the email asset in your Eloqua asset library.

Persona engagement rates for each email are a little different than the engagement rates you'll see listed in the Eloqua Insights report for the email. Persona engagement rates are only for the contacts in the persona group who opened or clicked the email divided by the number of contacts in the persona who were sent the email.

Persona Voice

We recently took Personas to the next level by introducing the Persona Voice, a feature that automatically analyzes the top performing emails for a persona and develops content guidelines for a copywriter or for easy use in Motiva Generator. Learn more about the incredible power and productivity of Persona Voices.

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