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Configuring Per-Contact Send Time AI

Learn how to configure a Motiva Send Time AI step to get the best results

Scott Gutelius avatar
Written by Scott Gutelius
Updated over a week ago

To use Motiva's Send Time AI optimization, head over to your Eloqua campaign builder and set up a new multi-step campaign canvas.

Build your campaign exactly as you would before, but replace the Eloqua Email step with the Motiva Send Time AI component.

Note that before you can configure a Send Time AI step, you need to name and save the campaign canvas first.

If Motiva AI is installed, you will see a custom Action Service in your Eloqua canvas toolbar called Motiva Send Time AI. When you drag this component onto the canvas and double-click it, and you will see the following configuration pop-up:

Click the Pencil icon to configure the step as you would an Email step.

First, give the optimizer a name, which will also be the name of the individual email report for this step in Motiva. Choose a name that will help you quickly find it in the search bar and differentiate it from other emails in this same Eloqua campaign.

Next choose which email to send using Send Time AI from the drop down, which is directly connected to your Eloqua asset library.

Next, choose if you want to send the Send Time AI step by a certain day. Without an end date, Send Time AI will keep running until it is cancelled. If you expect multiple batches of contacts to be sent over from Eloqua, this you'll want to configure this step without an end date. It will process additional contacts as they arrive, and then stagger email sends over the course of seven days. This ensures each individual contact receives the email at the best hour of the day and day of the week.

You can also choose to restrict sends to certain days and hours. For Send Time AI, we recommend that you do not restrict send times. We prefer not to make assumptions about when contacts might open emails, and since the goal is to reach your contact at the best time for them, leaving send times unrestricted is the best way to achieve that goal.

If you want to restrict send times, we also offer the option to Let Motiva Decide, as shown above. For this option, we'll look at the global Send Time report for your organization, and limit send times to just those which have shown the highest engagement rates for your audience. You can view this report yourself by clicking on Send Times within the Motiva app. The recommended global send time window will be highlighted in red.

You can then configure the Frequency Management settings.

Finally, configure the Eloqua settings. These mimic the options for Eloqua's email component and will be passed through to Eloqua when sending the email.

Save your canvas and activate your campaign. Motiva AI will automatically use a combination of historical open and click behavior and ongoing experimentation to determine the optimal send time. If contacts display new engagement patterns, Motiva AI will listen and adapt. No manual intervention is required.

Best of all, Motiva will use anything it learns in future campaigns -- regardless of what kind of campaign step it is -- for use with Motiva Send Time AI. For instance, if you send a Simple blast to an audience, any engagement data will be collected and used in your next Motiva Send Time AI step.

This step operates independently of timezone settings. That means you no longer need to worry about locating contacts' time zones in order to optimize sends! Motiva adapts to the preferences of each individual contact, wherever they are in the world.

NOTE: If your email must be delivered in less than a week, choose an end date. Otherwise, it can take up to a week to send the email to all contacts, since Motiva Send Time AI uses the optimal send time for each contact. Keep in mind that if the send time window is too limited, you may be missing out on your contact's best time to engage.

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